Our respondents didn’t understand these questions – do you?

Dr Alison Pearce has won a Best Poster Presentation Award at the Health Economics Study Group Winter Meeting 2016 (HESG) held in Manchester in January 2016. The award was given for Alison’s poster “Our respondents didn’t understand these questions – do you? Cognitive interviewing highlights unanticipated decision making in a discrete choice experiment.” The poster described 17 ...

Selecting a wage growth rate for economic evaluations in an uncertain economy

Selecting a wage growth rate for economic evaluations in an uncertain economy
When doing economic evaluation you often need to forecast into the future.  And when projecting about earnings, you need to account for changes in the economy (for example, inflation). I am currently working on a study examining productivity losses associated with cancer in Ireland, and need to account for wage growth in the future.  But ...

Comparing the Australian and Irish Cancer Registries

Having just moved from Australia to Ireland to do a post-doc at the National Cancer Registry, I was interested in comparing the Australian and Irish cancer registration systems.  Both countries have excellent cancer registries, with some similarities as well as differences between them.  A table comparing the features of each system is below, but the primary differences ...