Other publications

I have a number of non-peer reviewed publications. Although not peer-reviewed, these are among some of my highest impact publications, because they allow my research to be considered by health policy makers, implemented by health professionals, and understood by the general public. These include summaries of the results and implications of my research for professional publications and online sources such as The Conversation. In addition, I have a number of publications, particularly clinical practice guidelines, which were designed to translate the best available evidence into actionable recommendations for clinicians, which I was involved in developing during my time at the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (now Cancer Australia).

  1. Pearce AM. Cancer is costing BRICS economies billions each year (2018). The Conversation Africa. 24th January 2018.
  2. Pearce AM, Ryan F, Thomas AA, Drummond F, Timmons A, Sharp L (2016). Comparing the costs of prostate cancer follow-up in primary or secondary careCancer Professional. Spring edition. 
  3. Pearce AM, Hanly P, Timmons A, Walsh P, O’Neill C, O’Sullivan E, Gooberman-Hill R, Thomas AA, Gallagher P, Sharp L. (2015). Productivity Losses in Head and Neck Cancer. Cancer Professional. Summer edition.
  4. Pearce AM, Comber H (2014). Cancer rates are set to double in Ireland by 2040 – here’s why. The Conversation. 27 May 2014.
  5. Pearce A (2012).  Why medicines take so much time to get listed on the PBS. The Conversation. http://theconversation.edu.au/why-medicines-take-so-much-time-to-get-listed-on-the-pbs-10902
  6. NBOCC (2011). Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of the axilla in women with early breast cancer. National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  7. NBOCC (2011). A systematic review of the evidence for the management of the axilla in women with early breast cancer National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  8. NBOCC (2011). Clinical Practice Guidelines for the follow up of women with early breast cancer National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  9. NBOCC (2010). A systematic review of the evidence for the follow up of women with early breast cancer National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  10. NBOCC (2010). Clinical Practice Guidelines for the use of Chemotherapy in the management of women with advanced breast cancer National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  11. NBOCC (2008). Evaluation strategy outcomes 2007-2008. National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  12. NBOCC (2008). Recommendations for the use of Sentinel Node Biopsy in early (operable) breast cancer. National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  13. NBOCC (2008). Recommendations for the use of taxane-containing chemotherapy regimens for the treatment of early (operable) breast cancerNational Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  14. NBOCC (2007). Sentinel Node Biopsy for early breast cancer: A systematic review.National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, Sydney
  15. Pearce A (2003). “Do bilateral upper limb training techniques improve upper limb function following stroke?” OT CATS Online (www.otcats.com)
  16. Pearce A (2002). Caring for the carer: Client satisfaction with the South West Sydney Carer Respite Centre. South west Sydney Carer Respite Centre.