
I am an Associate Professor in health economics interested in the various costs of cancer. My research aims to use health services research and health economics to improve cancer care by providing relevant, reliable information for decision making.

I lead the Health Economics Stream at the Daffodil Centre, a joint venture between the University of Sydney and the Cancer Council NSW, and am also based at the Sydney School of Public Health in the University of Sydney. I teach introductory health economics and conduct research in oncology using methods including patient preference studies, estimates of productivity loss and economic evaluations. My research extends the work I did on the economics of cancer as a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney, and as a postdoc at the National Cancer Registry in Ireland. I completed my PhD on the costs of chemotherapy side effects at the University of Technology Sydney in 2013, before which I worked in cancer clinical trials and health services research.

My original training was in occupational therapy, and I remain interested in rehabilitation research. I also have a keen interest in early career researcher development. When I’m not being an academic I enjoy putting economic theories into practice in my small business – Bean Bar You.

Feel free to get in contact if you’d like more information about anything on this site, or you’d like to collaborate!

Pearce CV Wordle Feb 2016

My CV as a word cloud